Montreal Cybersecurity Experts
We are proud to have SOPHOS as Our Cybersecurity Partner
Sophos is a global pioneer in next-generation cybersecurity, defending over 500,000 businesses and millions of consumers in over 150 countries against today’s most sophisticated cyber threats. Sophos sells its products and services all around the world through resellers and managed service providers (MSPs) such as SoftFlow in Montreal.
Sophos Email Appliances, part of Sophos Email Security and Control, protect the email gateway from spam, phishing, viruses, spyware and other malware, and employ effective content monitoring and filtering to prevent the loss of confidential or sensitive information via email.
What are the Advantages of using Sophos?
- Blocks more than 99 % of spam at the email gateway
- Provides industry-leading protection against viruses, spyware, and trojans in both inbound and outbound email
- Enforces acceptable email use and prevents information leakage with easily configurable inbound and outbound policies
- Updates automatically every five minutes with the latest protection from Sophos Labs
- Sophos Labs is a global network of threat analysis centers
- Provides at-a-glance views of system performance via a web based dashboard
- Simplifies administration via a “three-clicks-to-anywhere” management console
- Includes remote “heartbeat” monitoring and on-demand remote assistance
- Includes TLS encryption for enhanced security
- Integrates easily with a range of LDAP services
- Eliminates the need for additional storage, with a large onboard message quarantine
- Reduces help desk administration, through end-to-end message tracking
- Ensures maximum availability with built-in diagnostics and system redundancy
- Provides on-demand remote assistance via reverse-tunnel SSH connection
- Includes 24x7x365 support for the duration of the license Sophos can be contacted for one-to-one assistance at any time
What is Cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity is a business model based on the application of technology, processes, security operations and controls to protect critical infrastructure systems, networks, programs, devices, and data against cyber attacks. It aims to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and protect against data breach unauthorized exploitation of systems, networks and technologies.
Why is network security important?
The cost of a cybersecurity breach is rising. Privacy laws like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and DPA (Data Protection Act) 2018 can lead to hefty fines for organizations that violate network security. There are also non-financial costs to consider such as representational damage.
Cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated and continue to grow in sophistication, with attackers employing more and more diverse tactics. These include social engineering, malware and ransomware.
Is Cyber security an important board-level issue
New regulations and reporting requirements make it a challenge to monitor cybersecurity risks. Boards need management assurance that their cyber risk strategies will reduce the risk of attacks and limit financial and operational impacts.
Is Cyber crime a profitable?
According to the Hidden Costs of Cyber crime, a 2020 study by McAfee and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), based on data collected by Vanson Bourne decade, the global economy loses more than $1 trillion (about £750 billion) every year. Political, ethical, and social incentives can also encourage attackers.
Who needs cybersecurity?
It’s wrong to believe that you don’t care about cyber attackers. Anyone that is connected to the Internet needs network security. This is because most cyber attacks are automated and aim to exploit common vulnerabilities rather than specific websites or organizations.
Types of Network threats and common cyber threats include:
1. Malware such as Ransomware, botnets, RATs (Remote Access Trojans), rootkits and bootkits, spyware, Trojan horses, viruses and worms.
2. Backdoor, allowing remote access
3. Formjacking, inserting malicious code into online forms.
4. Cryptojacking illegal cryptocurrency mining software installation.
5. DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks, flooding servers, systems, and networks
6. DNS (Domain Name System) poisoning attacks, which compromise DNS to redirect traffic to malicious websites.
What are the 5 types of cybersecurity?
1. Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity:
- Critical infrastructure organizations are often more vulnerable to attacks than others because SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems often rely on legacy software.
- Operators of essential services in the energy, transport, health, water and digital infrastructure sectors in the UK, as well as digital service providers are affected and bound by the NIS (Network and Information Systems Regulation 2018).
- Among other provisions, the regulations oblige organizations to take appropriate technical and organizational measures to manage their security risks.
2. Network Information security
- Network security is about addressing vulnerabilities affecting your operating system and network architecture including servers and hosts, firewalls and wireless access points as well as network protocols.
3. Cloud security
- Cloud security is a set of security measures designed to protect cloud-based infrastructure the security of data and applications. These measures ensure user and device authentication, control access to data and resources and protect data privacy.
Types of Cloud Security :
Cloud security varies depending on the type of cloud computing used. There are four main categories of cloud computing:
- A-Public cloud services operated by a public cloud provider – These include software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure ( IaaS) and platform services (PaaS).
- B- Private cloud services operated by a public cloud provider – These services provide a dedicated computing environment to customers, operated by a third party.
- C-In-house employee-operated private cloud services – These services are an evolution of the traditional data center, where in-house employees operate a virtual environment they control.
- D- Hybrid Cloud Services – Private and public cloud configurations can be combined, storing workloads and data based on optimization factors such as cost, security, operations motion and access. The operation will involve internal staff and possibly a public cloud provider.
4. IoT (Internet of Things) Security
IoT security is concerned with securing smart devices and networks connected to IoT. IoT devices include things that connect to the internet without human intervention such as smart fire alarm systems, lights, thermostats and others.
5. Application security
Application security is the process of dealing with security vulnerabilities caused by unsafe development when designing, coding and releasing software or a website.
What is a Firewall?
- A firewall is a security tool used to protect computers and comes in hardware and software. A firewall can help safeguarding your organization by screening traffic and obstructing outsiders from acquiring unapproved admittance to your private information on your PC’s.
- In addition to the fact that a firewall blocks undesirable traffic, it can also assist by obstructing malicious programs from infecting your PC.
- Firewalls can give various degrees of insurance. The key is deciding how much insurance you want. The points beneath will provide you with a better understanding of what firewalls do and help you decide the degree of insurance that will be needed to keep your PC’s and the information on them completely safe.
How does a firewall function?
A firewall works like a traffic monitor at your PC’s entrance point, or port. Just confided sources or IP addresses are permitted to enter. IP addresses are significant on the grounds that they distinguish a PC or source from one another, very much like your postal location recognizes where you reside.
Do you want a firewall?
- Assuming you use the web, having a firewall gives a first line of defense to assist you with safeguarding your PC and your own data from cyberthreats and cyberattacks that are getting worst over time.
- Firewalls are a critical piece of safety innovation, particularly when the various sorts of firewalls cooperate to give an umbrella of insurance. Firewalls can assist with keeping your organization, PC, and information completely safe.
How does a firewall work?
- A firewall analyzes your network’s traffic based on the rules and policies implemented and only allows incoming connections that it has been configured to accept. It does this by allowing or blocking data based on pre-established security instructions and rules.
- A firewall works as a traffic protector of your computer’s entry ports. It will only allow trusted IP addresses or sources. IP addresses are very important because they differentiate a PC or source from another, very much like your postal location recognizes where you reside. It assists with safeguarding your organization and data by carefully distributing your organization’s traffic. It screens accesses by surveying network traffic for anything malicious like hackers and malware.
Do you need a firewall?
You may already be following certain safe computer and internet usage guidelines, such as:
- You don’t click on URLs or attachments that aren’t familiar to you.
- You exclusively visit reputable, well-known websites.
- Personal information is never given out unless it is absolutely necessary.
- For each online account that you update frequently, you have strong, unique, complex passwords.
Is all of this enough to keep you safe? It’s possible that the answer is “no.” It’s a good idea to have a firewall in place if you use the internet becayse cyberthreats are pervasive and ever-changing. To help safeguard your network and the personal information stored on your computer from cybercrime, take advantage of existing defenses such as firewalls.
What are the main risks of not having a firewall?
1-Open to the public
You’re accepting every connection into your network from anyone if you don’t have a firewall. You wouldn’t be able to detect impending dangers because you wouldn’t be able to notice them. As a result, malicious users may be able to gain access to your devices.
2-Data that has been lost or tampered with
Without a firewall, your devices could be vulnerable, allowing someone to take control of your computer or network. Your data could be deleted by cybercriminals. They could also use it to steal identities or perpetrate financial crimes.
3-The network has gone down.
Hackers could bring your network to a halt if you don’t have a firewall in place. Getting your network back up and running, as well as attempting to recover your saved data, could take a significant amount of time and money.
Firewalls are an important component of security technology, particularly when multiple types of firewalls work together to give a comprehensive level of protection.
Cybersecurity vs Information Security : What is the difference?
- Cybersecurity is often confused with information security. Cybersecurity focuses on protecting computer systems from unauthorized access or damage or inaccessibility.
- Information security is a broader category that protects all information assets whether in paper or digital form.
How do I benefit from Cybersecurity an IT Security Service ?
“SoftFlow understands that cybersecurity is a very important aspect for any organization. Benefit from their unmatched 24/7 support, expert advice and ongoing protection to meet your organization’s cybersecurity.”
“Our IT administrators have extensive experience in IT security. For over 35 years, we’ve helped hundreds of organizations with our deep industry expertise and pragmatic approach.”
What are Cybersecurity challenges?
- Reducing the cybersecurity risks your organization faces can be a very big challenge. This is especially true if you’ve moved to remote working and have less control over employee behavior and device security.
What are the consequences of a cyber attack?
- Cyber attacks can cost organizations billions of dollars and cause severe damage. Affected organizations risk losing sensitive data, while also facing fines and representational damage. Effective cybersecurity management must come from the highest level of the organization.
- A strong culture of cybersecurity, reinforced by regular training, will ensure that every employee realizes that cybersecurity is their responsibility. Good safety and good practice go hand in hand.
What Cybersecurity Approach should you take?
- SoftFlow’s risk-based approach to cybersecurity will ensure that your efforts are focused where they are needed most.
- Using regular cybersecurity risk assessments to identify and assess your risks is the most effective and cost-effective way to protect your organization.
Application security
- Web application vulnerabilities are a common entry point for cyber criminals. As applications play an increasingly important role in businesses, it is essential to focus on web application security.
Network security
- Network security is the process of protecting the usability and integrity of your network and data. This is achieved by performing a network penetration test, evaluating your network for vulnerabilities and security issues.
Password management:
- Almost half of the UK population uses ‘password’, ‘12356’ or ‘qwerty’ as their password. SoftFlow suggests that you should implement a password management policy that provides guidance to ensure employees create strong passwords and keep them safe.
- Human error is a major cause of data breaches. It is therefore essential that you equip your employees with the knowledge they need to deal with the threats they face. Employee awareness training is a must in most enterprises.
Leadership Involvement
- Leadership involvement is critical to resilience in cyberspace. Without it, it is difficult to establish or enforce effective processes. Senior management must be prepared to invest in the right cybersecurity resources.
“Experts in cybersecurity since 1987, trust SoftFlow with your Cyberdefense.”
*SoftFlow Informatique is a Montreal based managed service provider and IT security firm specializing in Information Technology IT Services and IT Support since 1987.